Dayang Bunting Lake

The story of this lake in Dayang Bunting Island began when Mat Teja, a man fell in love at first sight on a beautiful fairy princess, Mambang Sari at the lake. With the help of a wise old man, Mat Teja finally won the heart of Mambang Sari.

Mambang Sari later bore Mat Teja a son. However, their happy moments were short-lived when their baby died. Traumatised, Mambang Sari decided to lay her child to rest in the lake. At the same time, she gave a blessing for all childless and infertile women to conceivable after bathing in the lake.

This is how the island got her name. At certain angles, the island resembles a 6-to-7-month pregnant lady, lying on her back. Some people might take it as a coincidence or the act of nature, but it somehow creates an amazing linkage between the island and her name.

Dayang Bunting Lake is also known as the Lake of the Pregnant Maiden and many tourists and barren couples bathe there in the hopes of bearing children.